Ever since Disney's "The Little Mermaid" premiered, little girls all over the world have fantasized about becoming a mermaid themselves. This fantasy often continues into adulthood, with mermaid items like pillows, blankets, and other decor filling up the offices and homes of mermaid lovers everywhere. Now you can bring that mermaid vibe to your workout with leggings that look like a real mermaid's tail.
The History Of The Mermaid
Mermaids were around in folklore long before "The Little Mermaid" movie premiered. Greek mythology often depicted these half woman/half fish creatures as goddesses. Some mermaid goddesses appeared when natural disasters like floods and tornadoes occurred while other mermaid goddesses appeared when good things happened- like a couple falling in love.
Why Leggings Are The Best Workout Attire
Leggings are form-fitting and stretchy, making them super comfortable attire to wear while working out. They are also great safety-wise because there's no excess fabric that can become entangled in workout equipment. Looser garments, like sweatpants and gym shorts, can sometimes become entangled and cause injury.
Leggings also create some compression in the legs which keeps blood flowing while you're working out. This increases the intensity of the workout, thus yielding faster results.
Merging Mermaids And Leggings
The whole idea of a mermaid is that it's half woman/half fish with the top half being human and the bottom half being a fish tail. Fish tails look different than legs in that there's just one limb instead of two.
Merging a mermaid tail with leggings is no small feat, but by placing fish scales on the leggings and a fin design at the bottom, it creates dimension and the illusion that the legs are a tail and not two separate limbs. The end result is the coolest pair of leggings you'll ever find at the gym and workout attire that is sure to have people asking you where you got them from.
Where To Find Mermaid Leggings
You can find this awesome workout gear right on our website. We have so many colors and styles to choose from, including pastels and golds, high waisted, and even 3D prints.
You'll love our mermaid leggings and will appreciate the fun vibes they bring to your workout. Channel your inner mermaid and order a few pairs to up your workout game and bring your mermaid dreams to life.