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4 Exercises You Can Do From Home With A Yoga Mat

If you're one of the many people currently working from home because of the global coronavirus pandemic, you might be wondering how to stay fit during this challenging time. With...

If you're one of the many people currently working from home because of the global coronavirus pandemic, you might be wondering how to stay fit during this challenging time. With many fitness centers and parks closed, your only option may be to exercise at home. If you don't have a home gym, you can still get a total body workout with one simple tool- a yoga mat. Here are 4 exercises you can do from home with this useful workout tool.

1. Push Ups

The upper body is a great place to start when working out. Push ups have been proven to tone the arms and upper back and don't require a lot of practice. A yoga mat provides cushioning from the hard floor. To begin, place your hands shoulder-width apart and firmly planted on the ground. Lock your toes in place and raise your entire body off the ground a few inches, then slowly lower yourself back down. Repeat 20-30 times.


2. Planks

A plank is similar to a push up, except you keep your body raised for an extended period of time. To achieve this, keep your core tight by pulling your belly button in inward towards your spine. Try to hold this pose for 1 to 2 minutes and work your way up to longer periods of time the more you do it.


3. Mountain Climbers

Taking another cue from the push up and plank exercises, mountain climbers start off in a similar position but instead of holding your body firmly, you pull one leg in towards your chest at a time, essentially climbing in place. Repeat with the opposite leg and continue rotating legs until you've performed 50-60 reps.


4. Crunches

Continue working on your core with a simple, yet effective crunch. Lie flat on your back and pull your knees halfway in towards your buttocks, creating a bridge. Lock your hands firmly behind your head and slowly raise your head and upper back off the ground, using your abdominal muscles. Repeat 50-75 times, depending on your fitness level.

We have several yoga mats on our website that are perfect for these exercises. Create your own workout space at home with a comfortable yoga mat that will make your workouts even more effective. Keeping up with your fitness routine is one of the best ways to stay healthy.

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